Tag Archives: Spousal Support

New Website- Philip J. Byers

We are very proud of our new website http://www.philipjbyers.com and hope you will view it and let us know what you think. We especially want to thank Dr. Aaron Pollock, draaronpollock@gmail.com, who designed and implemented it for us. He did an AMAZING job and was a pleasure to work with!

Paternity Cases in Massachusetts

There has been a proliferation of paternity cases in the probate court. These cases arise when the parties are not married but have a child together. When I first started practicing law in the 1970’s, paternity meant blood tests and criminal non-support complaints issued by the district court. In today’s world where paternity filings exceed […]


When we meet to discuss modification, the first issue I need to determine with you is whether or not the order/judgment can be modified. When a divorce agreement is prepared and submitted to the probate court for approval, once the judge approves the agreement, the question becomes, does the agreement merge or does it survive. […]


During the course of a divorce or a modification dealing with support issues, be they alimony and/or child support, you may encounter terminology entitled “attribution of income”. This is not arcane language. This is often a very important issue in determining the amount of support. Essentially, attribution of income means that a non-working spouse either […]