Monthly Archives: June 2012

Health Care Reform and the Family Court

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States announced its landmark decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (also known as “Obamacare” for the pundits out there).  While this will undoubtedly be a milestone decision, what does it mean for you in the context of your pending divorce? The short answer in Massachusetts […]

Mediation v. Litigation

(originally posted on February 16, 2012) There are many benefits to ADR, otherwise known as Alternative Dispute Resolution.  The procedure is more civilized.  Lawyers can be involved and participate in the process.  The better mediators encourage the parties each get an attorney.  The often asked question is why do you want an attorney if […]

Divorce and the Impact on College Admissions and Educational Expenses

Imagine if you will that your son or daughter in the latter part of senior year of high school has performed well on standardized testing as well as overall grade point average and is reviewing on the internet possible selections for college applications.  University of Massachusetts at Amherst is perhaps  $30,000 to $40,000 less than […]

New Format

Hello!  We at the Law Office of Philip J. Byers are in the process of changing blog formats.  Stay tuned! While you’re waiting, feel free to browse the content on our main webpage:   -Valerie