Tag Archives: Cambridge MA

Alimony Trends

I am pleased to announce that I am now the Liaison Officer for National Alimony Trends for the National Committee of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers


#TriggerWarning Scroll to bottom for Community Resources The month of October (http://www.ncadv.org/takeaction/DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth.php) was set aside to reflect upon domestic abuse and to work towards its eradication. In every community, large and small, there appears in its local newspapers the report of incidents involving assaults between would be lovers, maiming and murders among families. Some may […]

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

I am proud to announce that I have been selected to be a member of the Amicus Curiae committee for the National American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Part 3: Preparing for a Divorce Trial in Massachusetts

QUESTION 3: Who prepares the trial? An attorney who represents you in a well prepared trial is like a conductor of a symphony or a director of a movie. The attorney’s role is to put the pieces of the puzzle together in a presentation through testimony and exhibits that will be comprehensible by the judge […]

Massachusetts Divorce Trials

SERIES: YOUR DIVORCE WILL NOT SETTLE, SO THE JUDGE ASSIGNS YOU TO TRIAL There are certain cases that I get every year in which the parties are so intransient and emotionally dug in, that the divorce will not settle. These are the cases that usually involve one of the following: sole physical and/or sole legal […]

Child Support- Massachusetts

Child support is an issue that has received a great deal of attention and revamping in the last two decades. Whether you are the person who pays or will receive payment, you will want to understand this important issue. The federal government, in order to bring the states into line on the child support issue, […]

New Website- Philip J. Byers

We are very proud of our new website http://www.philipjbyers.com and hope you will view it and let us know what you think. We especially want to thank Dr. Aaron Pollock, draaronpollock@gmail.com, who designed and implemented it for us. He did an AMAZING job and was a pleasure to work with!

Paternity Cases in Massachusetts

There has been a proliferation of paternity cases in the probate court. These cases arise when the parties are not married but have a child together. When I first started practicing law in the 1970’s, paternity meant blood tests and criminal non-support complaints issued by the district court. In today’s world where paternity filings exceed […]

Child Visitation and Divorce Cases in MA

The term visitation is becoming archaic in divorce actions. With the increasing involvement of both parties with the children of their relationship, the more appropriate term to use is “parenting plan”. In other words, taking into account the age and needs of the child as well as the schedules of the child and the parents, […]


When we meet to discuss modification, the first issue I need to determine with you is whether or not the order/judgment can be modified. When a divorce agreement is prepared and submitted to the probate court for approval, once the judge approves the agreement, the question becomes, does the agreement merge or does it survive. […]