Category SCOTUS

SCOTUS and Same Sex Marriage

To all of you, I wish a happy, healthy, prosperous new year.  There are several matters that are particularly exciting in which I am involved. Although I have been a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, especially the Massachusetts Chapter, since June 10, 1990, and had held office as well as participated on […]


THE UNITED STATES: STILL THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD What a truly momentous decision that was issued by the United States Supreme Court on June 26, 2013. DOMA, known as the Defense of Marriage Act, was held to be unconstitutional. This law enacted by Congress in 1996 that limited marriage to one man and […]

DOMA no more!

While we catch our breath from this whirlwind week of SCOTUS decisions, I thought I would take a moment to share the direct link to the text of the Windsor decision. This landmark 5-4 decision holds that “DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth […]

Health Care Reform and the Family Court

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States announced its landmark decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (also known as “Obamacare” for the pundits out there).  While this will undoubtedly be a milestone decision, what does it mean for you in the context of your pending divorce? The short answer in Massachusetts […]