Tag Archives: family law

Child Support- Massachusetts

Child support is an issue that has received a great deal of attention and revamping in the last two decades. Whether you are the person who pays or will receive payment, you will want to understand this important issue. The federal government, in order to bring the states into line on the child support issue, […]

Child Visitation and Divorce Cases in MA

The term visitation is becoming archaic in divorce actions. With the increasing involvement of both parties with the children of their relationship, the more appropriate term to use is “parenting plan”. In other words, taking into account the age and needs of the child as well as the schedules of the child and the parents, […]

Divorce Cases in Massachusetts

I have been representing clients in Massachusetts who are involved in uncontested as well as contested divorces for thirty eight years. In that time period I have experienced different types of cases that might fit into categories, but each case is unique based upon its own set of facts. What I mean by this statement […]


THE UNITED STATES: STILL THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD What a truly momentous decision that was issued by the United States Supreme Court on June 26, 2013. DOMA, known as the Defense of Marriage Act, was held to be unconstitutional. This law enacted by Congress in 1996 that limited marriage to one man and […]

DOMA no more!

While we catch our breath from this whirlwind week of SCOTUS decisions, I thought I would take a moment to share the direct link to the text of the Windsor decision. This landmark 5-4 decision holds that “DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth […]


The purpose of this article is to describe expectations after you have selected an attorney to file for divorce. This is not intended as a comprehensive study but rather as a general guide which raises some issues that you may encounter and hopefully to help you understand the process better. Nor should this writing be […]

Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day from all of us at The Law Office of Philip J. Byers.


Can you imagine how incredibly difficult it is for children who love and trust their parents to hear each say contrary and belligerent things about the other parent? Can you imagine the stress these children who are in the middle of a battlefield experience as drones and rockets explode over their heads? I am seemingly […]


During the course of a divorce or a modification dealing with support issues, be they alimony and/or child support, you may encounter terminology entitled “attribution of income”. This is not arcane language. This is often a very important issue in determining the amount of support. Essentially, attribution of income means that a non-working spouse either […]


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